01-14-2010, 12:30 PM
Lieutenant Colonel 
Drives: Turbo Festiva
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Montreal
Originally Posted by S4to335
Sorry...I just dont care about them..so I dont know much about them. This IS a BMW website. I surely wouldnt say the same thing on an Evo forum. I am just saying its not for me. Actually I am getting rid of my 335i after having it for three years.
Going back to Audi?
Originally Posted by corneredbeast
An engine from a Z06 Corvette. A differential from a Vespa. Damn
Originally Posted by Severious
Its because a lot of BMW owners are housewives or business professionals and know little about cars other than BMW's are a status symbol in their own circles so that have to have one. But exotic car owners know cars, that's why they are willing to spend for a killer car and they know something different when they see one.