Thread: Yard freaks
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      05-11-2019, 03:20 AM   #314
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Originally Posted by knowthebattle View Post
Gentlemen, I'm beginning to get brown spots. my new Bermuda grass that is coming in is now dying. It's a big brown patch in the front of my yard. I've stopped watering as often. Was watering like +4x a week. I know I know. I don't know what I'm doing. But I'm trying.

I think it's fungus honestly. Can I dry it out? I'm not adding anymore to the grass. I've put down Vigoro Mixed grass mix AND Bio-advanced 3-1 weed and feed. Neither are supposed to harm grass. More than likely its a combination of overwatering and the recent rainfall we had.
if you can take pictures that would help! brown spots could be a lot of things from grub worms, fungus, dollar spots, ect...

as far as watering your lawn only needs 1" of water per week. I don't turn on my sprinklers until summer and I usually watch the weather for that week and base my watering on that. but than again you do have new seeds so they do have to keep moist all day but not soaking wet or drowning

EDIT: reading more of your post below sounds like it's been a few months since you seeded so I would say you're way past the germination period lol. if you could get those pictures up but i'm thinking fungus because of all that water you're doing. like I mentioned 1" water per week. you can divide that to 2 waterings of a 1/2" each. use the tuna can method to determine how long it takes to fill that can 1/2"
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Last edited by lsturbointeg; 05-11-2019 at 03:28 AM..
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