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      12-03-2010, 12:36 PM   #15
OC Guy
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Drives: AW 335D E90
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Irvine/Aliso Viejo, CA

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Quality of instruction and the gym culture are two very important things here. KM is a great art but there's a lot of McDojos out there. I would see if each gym offerrs free Intro classes and see which one you like and fit in the most.

Kyoshi71 - What do you train and what do you believe is best for Self-Defense?

Horrible for self defense? I love these arguments because just because you know how to grapple means you are going to sit there on the ground with the guy when he has friends around? Have a bit of common sense.

Current: 2010 Alpine White 335D LCI l 19" BBS LMs l KW V2 Coilovers l BMW Performance Grilles l MSport Front/Rear l Karbonwerke Trunk l F1 Pinnacle Tint 35% Former: E92 Space Grey 335i Latest pics
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